
Lactose, Nuts, Wheat, Oh My!

Here’s our New Year’s resolution. Transparency.

It’s true. For better or worse, we were one of the first breweries in the Tampa Bay area to add lactose to our Sour Ales. That said, we’ve grown up a lot since our days of cheeky “lactose tolerant” merch, and we’ve taken the enormous feedback (including from med school residents!!) about making the warning clear to heart. Lactose intolerance particularly affects our fans of AAIP descent, but also a few of our team members.

So with that in mind, we updated our label in advanced of new labeling laws coming down the pipeline from the TTB to clearly warn about any of the 9 big allergens, which includes Nuts & Lactose, two ingredients we often use. Since we make beer, we can’t guarantee that our hard seltzers are gluten free either, so do keep that in mind.

We’ll be rolling out new ways to check ingredients in the future, but for now we’ve been tirelessly updating old labels and all new Hidden Springs Ale Works label will include an allergen warning area like you see in this image.

Joshua Garman